23/06/97 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 28/05/77
The qualifications of the children who are equal and constantly seated on BapDada's heart throne.
BapDada was seeing the close and equal stars. Baba always has awareness. Just as the children are embodiments of awareness, so too, the Father is also an embodiment of remembrance of His close children. When children are embodiments of awareness, they experience themselves to be embodiments of power. And so, although BapDada is the embodiment of power, when there is the cooperation and remembrance of His children who are equal to Him, there is an extra addition in His Being. This is why the symbol of those who cooperated with father Brahma has been shown in the form of a thousand arms. Arms are a sign of cooperation. The symbol of those who constantly cooperated with the Father is the arms. So, what is the place for such children who are equal?Where do they reside? They constantly consider themselves to be seated on the heartthrone or ruling the throne of the world, that is, they remain stable in this stage. The most important mahatmas never place their feet on the ground. Here too, before an important person comes, a carpet is laid out along the entire path and staircase. In the same way, the feet of elevated souls never tread on the ground, but on the carpet. What is this a sign of? Where did this system begin?Here, it is just their feet that are tread on the carpet. But, the children who are equal to the Father never allow the foot of their intellect to come down from their throne. They are called those who are seated on the throne, that is, they are those who constantly remain on the throne; they never come down. What do those who constantly remain seated on the heartthrone, and the throne of the kingdom of the world, receive in return from all souls? Of course the souls who are seated on the heartthrone receive love. However, whatever actions they perform, or words they speak, touch everyone's heart, just as whatever emerges from the Father also becomes a memorial for all time; it becomes merged in everyone's heart. It leaves a memorial for everyone. Then, after half a kalpa, the memorial of that takes the form of the Gita. So, the elevated versions of the Father become more elevated. In the same way, whomsoever the souls seated on the heartthrone have a thought for, the heart of that person is touched by it. For instance, when you have good wishes and pure feelings for a particular soul, then that soul would feel in his heart that you have good wishes and pure feelings for him. One is to have this feeling superficially, second is to give respect because the place is instrumental for this and the third is to truly accept it in the heart.
Your heart would be touched by the thoughts of the children who are equal to the Father, as though an arrow had pierced it. In earlier days, when they used to shoot arrows, whoever was pierced by an arrow would fall down with the arrow in him. In the same way, those who are seated on the heart throne will be such that, firstly, whatever soul they a thought for in their heart, that soul will automatically come in front of them to relate his own feelings. Secondly, when a couple of words are spoken to you whilst you are stable in that stage, then even those two words give great comfortto the heart. You will feel that, although only two words were spoken, they still gave you great comfort and you received nourishment from them. Thirdly, you will remember those souls even though they may be at a distance. What would be the sign of remembering someone in your heart? You would feel that that soul is with you and close to you, not at a distance. You would not feel that that soul is in Abu and that you are in a different land. You would feel yourselves to be personallyin front of one another or in one another's company. What do you experience when you remember Baba in your heart? Do you feel that He is very distant? You experience His companionship, do you not? In the same way, you would see the practical return from the children who are seated on the heartthrone. This is known as instant fruit. Fourthly, they will be seated on the heartthrone. Who would be seated on the heartthrone? It would be those who are kings, would it not? Everyone would consider a great person to belong to them. The younger ones would consider their elders to belong to them.
The sign of those seated on the heartthrone is that everyone would consider them to be their elders. You would feel that you belong to them. "Our ancestors are our elder; they are the worshipworthy ones." These words are used on the path of bhakti, but one generally has the intoxication of them being your ancestors. You would feel that your ancestors are your seniors, worthy of worship. You would have a feeling of belonging. How many of such souls seated on the heartthrone would there be? There are very few. This is the speciality of the eight jewels which those of the hundred do not have. The mother and father are included in them also, but there is still a number. Since there is a number in the first age, then there would definitely be a number in those who come afterwards.
Dadi is going on service abroad. Why is everyone happy about this? In fact, generally, when someone goes somewhere, there is a wave of a different feeling; so why is everyone happy? Why is there a wave of special happiness? You all have special happiness because everyone has been waiting for a long time for something new to happen, that some transformation has to take place. So, seeing this part now being enacted, there are feelings of newness and transformation in everyone's intellect. Everyone feels that Dadi is not going but that she is bringing something closer. The plan of newness and transformation has appeared to her and she has made the thought of going become merged in her. Everyone's intellect believes that their field is being prepared for some transformation. Everyone has had the thought for a long time that something new should happen; that same scene has been continuing for a long time, and that something new has to happen. The part of going to the foreign lands is just instrumental and it is as though, each of you automatically has that wave in your heart. Nothing has been said to anyone, but they all have that new zeal and enthusiasm created within them. Of course, there, they have enthusiasm, but in Bharat also, you feel that there is to be something new. This is why there is a new wave of happiness in everyone. You feel that the time for coming close is very near; that those scenes are coming very close; this is the feeling you have. This is why time is very closely related to the special souls. The soul of Brahma has a deep connection with time; the birth of Brahma means the beginning of the confluence age. If there weren't the role for Brahma, there would be no confluence age. The completion of the role of Brahma in the corporeal form means it is the time for many other parts to begin. This is also a means of bringing time closer. The completion of Brahma's role means the completion of the confluence age. So, just as the soul of Brahma has a deep connection with time, so too, every task of the close souls who follow him have just as deep a connection with time. It is as though they become a clock to show the time. For instance, all of you, who have become instruments, read their thoughts. All of you check that, according to the time, this is the stage they should have reached. So what is time revealing? You are checking this, are you not? Sakar Baba was the clock in front of all of you. When you read his stage, you all felt that something is going to happen. You could feel that closeness. You felt that to be the angelic form, and not the corporeal form. So, he was a clock showing the time, was he not? In the same way, all of you who are instruments are also a clock to show the time. Everyone sees you with the vision as to what time the clock is showing. You will feel that the part of going abroad is like a special bell ringing.
BapDada speaking to Par Dadi Dadi Nirmal Shanta:
Drama is making you move from here and become the instrument to play a part there. Just as you thought about this earlier, so too, you are thinking this now. Plans are not made by thinking about them, but against your conscious wish, your part within the drama makes you an instrument to do something. There is great significance in this. You have this blessing. You are an instrumental soul who will glorify the name of the lokik and alokik families. This is also a special blessing. This is why, when people see you, both are remembered. The features of the lokik father are remembered, and through the features, the future created form is also remembered. The blessing of glorifying both clans is merged in your every step. This is why the drama is pulling you towards that seat. From time to time, the elevated versions that have been spoken by BapDada are put into practice. You have a special blessing and you also have a special chance for service. You have a chance to do double service, through your features and your character. Because those people (gurus) have a spiritual stage, others have a spiritual experience from their features. However, as you walk and move along, your features and character will reveal the features and character of Brahma Baba. This is a field of extra service. What will everyone say wherever you go? That they have a feeling of the father. So, your face will also become an instrument for service. So, this is double service, is it not?
BapDada speaking to Dadi:
At present, the game of the invocation of you souls is taking place in the double form. On one side, bhagat souls, without knowledge, are invoking you, in the form of their special deity of the eight. On the other side, knowledgeable souls, as embodiments of knowledge, are invoking you. They are invoking you in the same way as the special deities are invoked from the nonliving idols. However, those people are ignorant about this and they therefore do not experience that sweetness. However, even through their invocation of you, they will experience the attainment of blessings, and so that is double invocation, is it not?
Are two idols going, three idols, or are all the special eight idols going? This is also a special wave; everyone feels that they are also going with Dadi. What is the reason for this? This is a sign of being close because of love. You are now seeing the practical form of the return of the role that youplayed for so long according to the drama. The result of your having played the role of an instrument is coming in front of you.At present, you are playing all three parts: They have shown the part of Brahma is of creating, the part of Vishnu is of sustaining and the part of Shankar is of destroying. Of course, all of that is according to the drama, but each of them has been shown with a speciality. So, just now, Baba was seeing what the special virtue of each of the three is. Which image are you? According to the present time, the special roles of all you three are being put into practice. Dadi is just going as an instrument, as an image of support, to bring zeal and enthusiasm and begin a new chapter in the field of service. So, she is going as an image of support, and everyone is especially seeing how much of an image of upliftment you are (Didi); everyone feels both present in the one. To make someone else an instrument means to become an image of upliftment. And this one (Par Dadi) is an embodiment of being an example. You have given the example of all of you being one in a practical way. So, you are an image of support, an image of upliftment and an image of being an example.Each of you has your own speciality.
At present, the part of Janak in practical service is that of a true conch shell. In London, both Sudesh and Jayanti have become instruments for service. At present, both have a good stage. Youunderstand that you all have to give your finger together and increase service. At present, souls who are intoxicated and have a good speed in service are visible. This is the practical proof of the atmosphere in all four directions. Everyone's vision is there. Now, the pure thoughts of all of you are in that direction also, that something is about to happen. There is the impact on the atmosphere.
How is the practical example of thoughts proved? As soon as you have a thought, it becomes practical. Have you had a hearttoheart discussion on how to do service through your attitude and awareness? According to the present time, together with words, very good service can take place through thoughts. This happens through your awareness and attitude, which is that of having good wishes, because everyone considers whatever they have heard to be repetition. Souls who are in contact with you a lot consider a point to be something common. Now, teach them the method to do service in a new way. Until you have become experienced, a new form of everything is needed.
Give them a new experience. You can have a gathering and have such a service programme. Make them sit with a special aim and then ask them their experience. They will relate a great deal, just as you have had a lot of experience of serving through words, and that was the creation of all of you. Now, the addition required in service is to serve through thoughts and attitude. Make plans for that. When you begin to enjoy yourself, you will feel that it is the stage of ascent of your newness. Just as scientists remain busy in inventing something or another, in the same way, in order to invent something new from a point that you have already related, sit in meditation at amrit vela with thisaim and you will be touched. New inventions will emerge through which others will also experience newness. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be a master powerful soul who finishes the wastage with the method of keeping the intellect busy.Only those who constantly use the method of keeping the intellect busy can be constantly strong and powerful. The easy method to finish all waste and become powerful is to remain constantly busy. Therefore, just as you make a daily timetable for physical matters, so too, make a timetable to keep your intellect busy, so that, at this time, you will finishall waste by having this powerful thought. If you remain busy, Maya will leave from a distance.
Slogan: In order to forget the world of sorrow, remain lost in God's love.
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